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What fees will I pay? 

Econ Wealth is a fee only advisory firm. We have an asset-based management fee which is deducted quarterly from your account. For more information, please see our Form CRS or contact the office. 


​What does Econ Wealth provide that another firm may not? 

We buy and sell individual stocks for our clients, based on their risk tolerance, and using a very specific investment selection process.  We do all of this with discretion and everything is done in our clients’ best interests.  


Who is my contact person? 

At Econ Wealth Management we believe in a team approach. Anybody on the team can help you with most things however there are certain things that only an Advisor can assist you with and in that case, you will be directed to one. 


Am I able to withdraw money out of my accounts? 

You are able to withdraw money out of your accounts, many times within a day. For the quickest turnaround we recommend setting up an electronic transfer between your bank account and Schwab account. If you are retired, we like to send ‘income’ in 6-month increments. For more information, please contact the office. 


When and how do I get my 1099?   

Typically, these will be ready in the middle of February each year. Your 1099 will be sent to you by mail, or online based on your Schwab preferences. For more information log into your Schwab account or call the office.  


Can I contribute to a Roth IRA?  

You can contribute to a Roth IRA at any age as long as you have earned income. You cannot contribute an amount that is great to the amount of earned income you receive. 


Are my withdrawals from a Roth IRA taxed? 

No. Roth IRA are a tax-free vehicle and withdrawals are not taxed as well. 



Form ADV is the uniform form used by investment advisers to register with both the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and state securities authorities. The form consists of three parts. Parts 1 and 2 are used by the SEC and the states. Part 3 is used by the SEC and some states. Part 1 requires information about the investment adviser’s business, ownership, clients, employees, business practices, affiliations, and any disciplinary events of the adviser or its employees. Part 1 is organized in a check-the-box, fill-in-the-blank format. The SEC reviews the information from this part of the form to manage its regulatory and examination programs. Although designed for a regulatory purpose, investment adviser filings of Part 1 are available to the public on the SEC’s Investment Adviser Public Disclosure (IARD) website. 



Form ADV Part 2 requires investment advisers to prepare narrative brochures that include plain English disclosures of the adviser’s business practices, fees, conflicts of interest, and disciplinary information. The brochure is the primary disclosure document for investment advisers. Investment advisers are required to deliver to advisory clients their brochures, which will be made available to the public on the IARD website. 

Part 3 CRS, the “relationship summary,” requires SEC-registered investment advisers that offer services to retail investors to prepare a brief plain English summary about the types of services the adviser offers, the fees and costs clients will have to pay for those services, the conflicts of interest the adviser may have, the required standard of conduct, any legal and disciplinary history,  key questions to ask the adviser, and references to where clients can find more detailed information about the adviser and the services they offer. Broker-dealers are also required to prepare a relationship summary for their customers. Investment advisers are required to deliver to new, prospective, and existing clients, their relationship summary, which will also be made available to the public on the IARD website and on the investment adviser’s website if they have one.  

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Econ Wealth Management is registered as an investment advisor and only transacts business in states where it is properly registered or is excluded or exempted from registration requirements.  The information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only and is in no way intended to be interpreted as investment advice or as a device with which to ascertain investment decisions or an investment approach.   Information presented is believed to be factual and up to date. It should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed.  Econ Wealth Management is not engaged in the practice of law or tax preparation and no comments should be construed as legal and/or tax advice. Estate planning and tax information provided is general in nature. Always consult an attorney or tax professional regarding your specific legal or tax situation. EWM and its employees are not affiliated or compensated by any other company or charity mentioned on this website.

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